

Hello! I’m Sean R. Frazier and I’m a fantasy author. I’ve published four fantasy books in my Forgotten Years saga and I’m working on several new ideas I’m excited about! But you came here to learn about me, not my books.

When I’m not writing, I like to read, game (video, tabletop, you name it), run, play the guitar, tinker with my 3d printer, and avoid mowing the lawn. Of course I do all these things while NOT writing because, I mean, can you imagine trying to play a video game and write at the same time?

I’m a big fan of Star Wars, horror movies, and laughter…and a good, steaming plate of hot wings. I make dubious food choices and make TikToks as evidence, and I am all over Twitter like something on something.

Also, my cat hates me. I’m serious. He probably likes you more than me.