Mage Breaker Has…Broken!

This week has been Mage Breaker’s launch week and, man, has it been a busy week! Busy, but exciting. It’s basically been a whirlwind of self-promotion mixed with excitement, but also tempered with realistic expectations. I want to sell ALL the books, but I realize that’s not a realistic outlook.

It’s a steady race, not a sprint. This book’s going to be around for a LONG time. That having been said, there’s still a small part of me that continues to ask “yeah, but what if?” It’s kind of the same as playing the lottery. You know what to expect but you keep that little spark alive.

Mage Breaker’s official in-person launch party was last night at Skylark Bookshop downtown. First of all, a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Skylark for hosting! They’re such a great, cozy bookstore and they really do a lot to support authors near and far.

And, now, onto the chewy center of this blog post.

It was my first ever launch party! So, naturally, I was nervous and really wasn’t sure what to expect. My realistic brain told me to prepare for a few people to show up–mostly friends and family–and just to enjoy the moment of having released a book. But that little lottery-playing part of my brain hoped for a huge crowd.

First of all, no, there was not a “huge crowd.” But this isn’t a bad thing and I’m actually ridiculously content with the people who showed up for me. Why is this? I learned that a successful launch party doesn’t require a throng of people cramming into a bookshop. It’s what we authors all dream about but, for 99% of us, it’s not reality. Let me explain.

If you’re a hard-working small author like me, literally everything is what you make it. You can’t expect random strangers unfamiliar with you to file in and listen to you speak about your book. If this were true, we’d ALL be going to bunches of book launches. But we don’t. We support familiar authors, friends, and family.

And this is key. It’s crucial. Your support system is going to be largely your friends and family. The people who show up are there to support YOU. They may not even read your books, but they’re invested in you. Cherish them and draw your strength from them, because they’re awesome. Invite everyone you know and love to come see you and don’t feel like a failure if it’s “only family and friends” who come out to support you. BECAUSE THEY ARE COMING OUT TO SUPPORT YOU!!!

But let’s delve a little deeper. Your other supporters are your fans. And this right here is the difference between “selling books” and finding your readers. Not everyone will read your books and not everyone who reads your books will like them.

BUT…that’s not your concern as an author. You can’t appeal to everyone. So DO NOT forget about those readers who become your fans. Don’t chase what you can’t have and neglect your actual supporters!

At almost every event now I have one or two readers who show up see if I have new books out. Sometimes they simply want to say hi and hang out for a few minutes. Other times, they enthusiastically grab my latest book and literally start reading right there.

THESE ARE MY TRIBE AND I LOVE THEM! I absolutely can’t express the joy it brings me when I meet someone who’s been waiting for my next book or wants to ask me a question about a character or just wants to tell me how much they hate me because I did X to character Y (ha ha, too bad!).

And it’s not unique to those who physically show up!!! Remember, the Internet makes being an author a global thing, and many people can support you from afar. These people are just as awesome!!!

It’s not about quantity. It’s not about packing bodies into a bookshop if those people aren’t interested. Being an author isn’t a sales position. Being an author is about connecting, meeting new people, and loving words. Never lose sight of this.


A Gecko’s Great Journey

♫We’re gonna take a walk outside today, gonna see what we can find today…♫

It began with my daughter, waking us up at midnight, sobbing. She’d just noticed her gecko, Mochi, was missing for possibly as long as twenty-four hours. Geckos are great at hiding, so it’s really unknown just how long she was MIA. But one thing was clear, finding her was going to be nearly impossible.

We have two dogs and three cats, all of whom would spell doom if they saw a lizard out and about. Winston, our big dog, isn’t a hunter, but he’s eaten critters in the yard. Dilly is a terrier and hunting for small critters is in her DNA.

And cats, by default, are just a-holes who love to torment things smaller than them. Well, and humans, of course.

So, if Mochi were to escape our daughter’s room, it was “outlook not so good” as a Magic 8-Ball would say.

Also, our daughter’s room is an obstacle course for even us humans, so a gecko had about a billion places to curl up and hide.

So, half asleep, my wife and I are trying to carefully sift through the room while consoling our distraught daughter, hoping to find a live, healthy gecko. We called off the search around 1am, vowing to resume the next day. We stuff a towel against the door to prevent escape if Mochi is still in the room (which I fully believed).

With most of the room turned over, we still had no gecko. Fast forward to the NEXT day and I finish searching every square inch of the room a gecko could logically access. At this point, I was fearing we’d somehow accidentally thrown her out with the trash or put her in a donation pile of clothing or, of course, one of the myriad pets had gotten to her.

Life went on for the rest of the day. My daughter went to a concert and my wife and I got ready for bed.

Shortly thereafter, I heard the garage door and figured it was our youngest daughter returning. Several moments passed without any action and I wondered what was going on when our OLDEST daughter entered our bedroom.

“Someone please come out to the kitchen and tell me whether what I’m seeing under the fridge is a gecko or not.”

Several short seconds later, we’re in the kitchen. Now, if you’ve remotely followed me on any social media, you’ve seen my “Thor Vs. Fridge” photos of my cat, Thor, basically staring down our refrigerator. It was a pretty funny bit for quite a while but, this night, he was INTENSELY interested, pacing in front of the fridge and hunkering down to look underneath it.

calling for a temporary truce in the current “Thor Vs. Fridge” hostilities, we shined a flashlight under the major appliance, intensely hopeful we would find a live, healthy gecko hanging out under the fridge.

And we did!

After moving the fridge and a bit of lizard wrangling, we had one very pissed off Mochi in a carrier and returned her to her enclosure. Soon after, we had a very happy daughter.

So let me tell you what Mochi had to go through. She fell four feet from her terrarium onto the floor, then had to climb over all sorts of things in our daughter’s room only to then squeeze her chonky ass under the door, then make her way ACROSS THE ENTIRE HOUSE while avoiding every cat and dog before getting into the kitchen to find the warmth of the fridge.

At any point, this could’ve gone badly or been missed completely. But geckos are nocturnal and most of the animals sleep in our bedroom so she chose the absolute right time to go on an adventure. She was gone for probably 50-60 hours total and I still can’t believe she’s alive and perfectly fine.

What has Thor learned from all this? He’s a hero and we should all worship him.

Anyway, here’s our explorer:

Mochi, the gecko, safely inside her terrarium

The Year of the Mage Breaker

It’s me! Hi! I’m the author it’s me!

Okay, now that you’ve got Taylor Swift’s song stuck in your head, let me clean it out with some words! Some words will be good, some maybe not. I make no guarantees about the quality of said words as I get them from lots of different sources and, yes, some I simply find on the sidewalk next to discarded, pre-chewed gum.

I’m making significant progress on Mage Breaker: Eight Bullets and if I keep up this pace the first draft should be done sometime in May…yes, OF THIS YEAR! I’m not sure I’ve written a book this quickly before.

But that’s getting ahead of myself because Mage Breaker hasn’t even been released yet! But there is exciting news on that front too! Next month I’ll be working with my publisher to craft a blurb and, more importantly, A COVER! I’m really excited to see what we can come up with and show everyone!

Both Mage Breaker and The Last Available are in the hands of my publisher for a second round of edits. I’m hoping to get as much work done on Eight Bullets before those come back, but I’m also stoked to dive into edits and make Mage Breaker shine like…well, something shiny in bright sunlight…probably a metallic substance of some sort.

In the meantime, if you’re waiting for another book release, you can listen to me as I co-host What The Book? every Saturday at 5p CST (or 6p once DST hits) live on Podbean! We feature a new author every week and laugh a lot. You can find the recorded podcast on Spotify the next day, but it’s more fun to participate in the chat live!

That’s all for now!


Super Secret Project News

So, I’ve had a project going for a while, now. I haven’t spoken much about it and I couldn’t really even explain why until now. Neither of these two situations is a revolutionary, awesome and surprising factoid.

If you follow me at all, you know 2023 is the year of Mage Breaker. It releases in November (preorder in August) and it’s a book I’ve been sitting on for probably four or five years. It began as a side project while I was writing Descent Into Madness and continued to be a tasty diversion during Ascent Into Light.

Once I thrust AiL out into the world, all shiny and new, I worked full-time on Mage Breaker but, once, done, I decided to sit on it and query agents. A year and a half later, Mage Breaker found a home with Creative James Media, and I’ve been working on making it shinier than before.

So what does this have to do with my “super secret project”? Everything! You see, I found it silly to announce a sequel to a book that hadn’t been published yet.

Yes, a sequel. But Mage Breaker still hasn’t been published yet, you probably know. While this is true, I often break my own rules, which is what I’ve done this time.

I didn’t set out to write Mage Breaker as a series. I planned on a “one and done and let’s write something else” book. My publisher, however, asked me if there was more. Preposterous!

The truth was, yeah, there was more. I’d already written several chapters of the next book, but not for reasons you’d expect. You see, I simply wanted to see how later events would play out for my own satisfaction. Mage Breaker concludes as a one and done. You can read it and never pick up the sequel and be super happy. Likewise, you can skip the first and read the sequel and understand everything. I’ve written them specifically this way.

But I needed to know. I wrapped everything up nicely in Mage Breaker, but my brain wouldn’t let me stop. Somehow, it knew there was more story to tell and, in fact, there is! Only, I really don’t even know where it’s headed. I’m a pantser, but I usually have major events and the end already in mind when I write.

Not this time. Stuff is happening with little to no thought and, honestly, I’m thoroughly enjoying the journey.

Anyway, TL;DR: There’s a Mage Breaker sequel being written that I hope to have in front of my publisher this summer.

So, if you read Mage Breaker and want more of Ellyne and Nicole’s adventures, you’ll want to keep an eye out for Mage Breaker: Eight Bullets! I’m nearly halfway done with it and it’s shaping up to be quite a ride.


Libraries Rock!

First off, if you happen to be in the Columbia, Missouri area on Saturday (11/12), from 10-1 I’ll be hanging out at Daniel Boone Regional Library’s Local Author Open House, signing books and just soaking up the author life! Stop by and say hi if you’re in the vicinity!

Which segues into the main point of this blog–libraries are awesome!

When I was a kid, libraries really existed for one purpose–books. And while that is a noble purpose and important service, it was one-dimensional. Libraries have come such a long way since then. They offer all kinds of great services including free tax prep, kids’ events, and yes, author events!

And I fully acknowledge a library is the absolute toughest venue at which to sell books, it’s not so much about sales as it is connecting. I’ve met a bunch of awesome authors and readers at these events.

Authors and readers alike should check out their library’s services/activities and see what they offer. The best part is, if they don’t offer something you had in mind, you can always propose the idea to them! Library staff are some of the coolest, most creative people I’ve ever met and they absolutely geek out over new, innovative ideas!

Also, support authors and libraries and let’s stop banning books already!


Normally, I talk about writing, but I’m going to take a brief detour for this post and talk about movies!!! Well, one in particular. PANDEMIC BREAKDOWN.

For the past several months (six, maybe?), I’ve been fortunate enough to work on a movie! We filmed it all remotely–none of us interacted directly–and, while the movie is largely based on phone conversations and interview-style, it’s really funny!!!

It’s about a man who gets fired by his boss (who is the ultimate douchebag) and decides to hire a hitman to kill him. And I’M THE HITMAN!!! His name is Phil and he’s…very unique. He often uses a traffic cone to take out his targets.

My point to all this is that this was way outside my normal realm of creativity. I’m used to writing books, but making a movie was never really something I thought I’d do! I doubt I’m the next big actor, and Hollywood certainly isn’t going to be pounding down my door to hire “that guy who played Phil the Hitman in that one movie on YouTube” but I really did enjoy it!

I was also the voice of the douchebag boss on an answering machine.

My lines were largely improvised. I was given a couple of specific things I needed to say but the rest I just sort of made up as I went. This is what I’m most proud of–being able to throw something out there without any preparation.

If the situation presented itself again, yeah, I’d do another movie. It was fun, it was new, and it allowed me to flex my creativity muscles. I even learned a few things about the movie-making process. Until then, I’ll be endlessly tapping at my keyboard, writing the books I want to read!

And I have two currently slated for publication!

You can watch Pandemic Breakdown on YouTube here:

What to Say?

It’s been a while. I think I begin most blog posts that way. Many of you may be familiar with my motto: I don’t post anything unless I have something to say. Everyone’s time is important, so why waste it writing about nothing or reading about nothing?

While I haven’t updated the blog much, I have been busy–pinky swear.

I started querying Mage Breaker about 14 months ago. I’m sad to say it has gained zero traction. I did have a full manuscript request from a publisher but apparently wrote myself out of that possibility somehow.

I’m also querying my newest project, The Last Available. I just started so I haven’t had time to become disillusioned with that yet. Fingers crossed!

I’m also working on a new project which, like Mage Breaker and The Last Available, will deviate from my normal fantasy writing. This one’s dark and gritty and full of sweary goodness. It’s a refreshing change from the other projects, but I think I say that about every project. I’m writing it slowly as I tighten up The Last Available, and I’m ecstatic about where it’s going. Being a pantser, while I do know how it’s going to end, I’m excited to see how reaches its conclusion.

The only real insight I have these days is about just how terrible the publishing industry appears to be and, as an extension, how grueling and terrible most entertainment and art-related processes are. Talent and skill often aren’t enough to get where you want to be but, rather, who you are or who you know.

And most authors who are lucky enough to sign a publishing contract don’t get paid what they deserve. It’s a lot of work and emotional distress for a miniscule payout in most cases.

The ray of sunshine in all of this is that self-publishing exists. And, yeah, it’s hard because you’re basically running a business that really has almost zero chance of paying the bills. Most authors are aware of this and we write because we WANT to. Sales are great and we always strive for them but, honestly, it’s just nice to have an achievable outlet for our creativity.

It’s a bit of a downer, but it’s what’s been on my mind lately, especially with it being “Indie April.” I don’t plan to stop writing and I’ll probably continue querying just to see what’s possible. But I’m 100% okay with self-publishing everything I write if that means readers will be able to consume my art.

New Year New Books!

It’s been a while, I know. I don’t like to give updates when there’s nothing to actually give. It’s like calling someone on the phone with nothing to say. Lots of awkward silences, “anyway”s, and garbage time.

BUT…I do indeed have news!

I continue to query Mage Breaker blah blah blah. Okay, I got that out of the way.

I finished a new book! It’s been a side project for years and I was never really able to give it my full attention because I was either neck deep in The Forgotten Years or Mage Breaker had muscled its way to the front of the line. But since I finished Mage Breaker I was finally able to work on and complete The Last Available!

It’s still fantasy, but it’s also comedy. And, if I’m being honest, its only purpose is to make you laugh. There’s not deep character development or symbolism in this book. The plot is simple and the characters are all ridiculous–think Guardians of the Galaxy in a fantasy setting. Also think “the absolute most dysfunctional D&D adventuring party you’ve ever seen.”

If you personally know me or follow me on Twitter then you know my penchant for all things silly. The Last Available embraces the silly, takes it, and throws it down a really long staircase. Whatever that means.

The bad news in all of this is I’m planning to query The Last Available so it may be a while before it sees the light of day. If nobody picks it up, then I WILL self-pub it.

ALSO: I finished up the audio book for Descent Into Madness! So it should be hitting Audible within the next month or two. If you like Kendra, then you’re in for a treat!

I hope everyone is safe, happy, and healthy!

Traditionally Speaking…

So, except for the deep editing process, Mage Breaker is essentially done. And, as a side note, let me tell you it’s freaking amazing. It’s got strong women, magic, guns, aliens, and a smart-ass city. But I digress.

You might be wondering what’s taking so long to get Mage Breaker into readers’ hands. The answer is simple: I’m trying my hand at the traditional publishing process.

Le gasp.

“But Sean,” you say, “you’re a staunch supporter of self-pub. What happened?”

Nothing happened. Rest assured, I am STILL an ardent supporter of self-pub. I plan on more self-pub books in the future and Mage Breaker may still go self-pub. But here’s the thing: I know the self-pub process pretty well, but I’ve not been through the trad-pub world. I’m curious to experience it first hand and, yes, pile up the rejections.

I also just want to give it a shot. What if cool stuff happens? I’ve really got nothing to lose. I’m also really tired of marketing and it’d be nice to have someone else do it for a change. That’s not to say it will happen–I know many publishers don’t do much of that unless they’re of the large variety.

Which brings me to my next point–I’m totally prepared to walk away from any contract if there’s anything I don’t like about it. I love my books like I love my own children and I want the best for them. That means finding the best fit for them–a publisher that will nurture them, help them grow, and even change their diapers.

Wait, that analogy broke down a bit there, but you get what I mean.

I truly believe someone out there will want to give Mage Breaker a shot. While my Forgotten Years books are fabulous, I think Mage Breaker (a deviation from my normal genre) takes it all to another level.

So I’m throwing my hat in the trad-pub ring. I began queries two weeks ago, so the responses should begin filtering in. But that was only round 1. I’ve got lots more querying to do.

In case you haven’t seen the cover I had made for Mage Breaker, take a look.

Breaking It Down

This weekend, I typed two very important words in my Mage Breaker manuscript.

“The End.”

Then I snapped a pic and deleted them because who actually leaves those words in their book? It’s purely for closure, at least for me.

But that’s not important right now. What IS important is the fact that Mage Breaker’s first draft is finished and it’s now in the hands of my betas so they can shove the words down their eye sockets. Truly, I hope they love it at least half as much as I do (which means I love it twice as much as they do).

I’ve been trying to digest my thoughts about completing this work. You see, The Forgotten Years took about five years to write, but it was an idea I held onto for twenty. It lived in my brain with me, it poked at me constantly, and it even ordered its own coffee sometimes. It was a living thing, as much a part of me as my second liver.

Wait, you guys don’t have two livers? Huh. Humans…so weird.

But Mage Breaker was an idea that came to be around the time I was finishing Descent Into Madness. As I wrote Ascent Into Light, Mage Breaker continued poking at me, getting my attention and, through the course of a year, morphed from a mere idea into an entire book (and several major things changed a bit).

And, guys, I wrote this book in less than a year–that’s pretty fast for me, especially in a pandemic when I literally didn’t write a word for three months straight.

And now it’s done. And, I have to tell you, I love this book. I love everything about it. I loved the idea when it was new and I loved writing it. I adore it.

And it’s not going to see publication for a while. And that kills me. However, I’m taking my time with this one. I’m grooming it for big things to come with the hopes that it’ll reach a wide audience. I just don’t know how I’m going to do that yet.

But it’ll happen.

Mage Breaker is not my usual genre. I’ve never written anything but straight Fantasy until now, which I’m going to call Science-Fantasy. Think Star Wars but a bit more low-key, and far fewer action figures and playsets.

But, truly, I dig this book so hard and I can’t wait for readers to enjoy it.

Because I believe they will.